
A simple content-addressable blob-store written in rust.

After uploading a file to the blob store you will receive a unique reference to it (its sha256 hash) which can be used to retrieve/delete it.



rstr provides both a CLI and a web server with a REST API to upload/get/delete blobs.

See the next section for details on how to configure the app.

Web Server

To start the web server run

rstr server start

You can specify a port to run on with --port $PORT_NUMBER; it defaults to port 3123.

See the full API Documentation for more details.

A complete Python API client is available here.


First of all, you’ll neet to generate a token for authentication by running

rstr server generate-token

Copy the token to the client machine and save it into an environment variable: export TOKEN=<my_token>.

To add a file, simply send a POST request to the /blobs endpoint:

curl -i -X POST \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-F file=@path/to/a/file.pdf

If the upload is successful, you will receive the hash of the file in the response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 68
content-type: application/json
date: Sat, 19 Jun 2021 22:43:01 GMT


The hash can then be used to retrieve the file

curl -O$BLOB_HASH \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN"


We provide a series of utility commands to interact with the blob store directly on the server.

Add files

You can add files by passing a list of paths to rstr add:

rstr add file_1.ext file_2.ext ...

You can also add whole directories (this will recursively add all the files contained in each directory):

rstr add path/to/dir/1 path/to/dir/2 ...

Note that you can also mix files and directories in the above.

For each file added rstr will print its hash and its original path to stdout, e.g.

f29bc64a9d3732b4b9035125fdb3285f5b6455778edca72414671e0ca3b2e0de        ../tests/test_file.txt

Check files

To check whether a file is present in the blob store, simply pass its reference to rstr check

rstr check f29bc64a9d3732b4b9035125fdb3285f5b6455778edca72414671e0ca3b2e0de
BlobRef(f29bc64a9d)             PRESENT

Delete files

To delete a file from the blob store, pass its reference to rstr delete

rstr delete f29bc64a9d3732b4b9035125fdb3285f5b6455778edca72414671e0ca3b2e0de

Note that you can delete multiple blobs by passing multiple references.


The app can be configured either using the various CLI flags (see rstr --help for details) or using a TOML file. You can generate a default config file with the command

rstr create-config

When starting, the app will try to load the config file. If this is not present or cannot be parsed correctly, it will default to the default settings.

Any setting specified via CLI flags or environment variables will override the configuration.

Example configuration

data_store_dir = "/home/giuppep/.local/share/rstr/"

port = 3123
log_level = "INFO"
tmp_directory = "/tmp/rstr/"
token_store_path = "/home/giuppep/.config/rstr/.tokens"


Copyright (c) 2021 giuppep

rstr is made available under the MIT License